Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Time's a Wastin'

Okay so maybe Off the Face of the Earth was a bit of an overstatement yesterday. Because I totally still have tons of time to write here.

Running Word Total: 773 (Only 1227 words behind. On Day Two. Shit.)

Running Birthday Week Extravaganza of Drunkeness (BWEoD) Total: 1 for 1 (At least I'm excelling where it counts.)

I knew empirically that there are not enough hours in the day, but up until yesterday I hadn't really experienced it in a while. Because, like I said, I ain't been doing crap for the last month or so. I stopped going to the gym and started watching a lot of TV and eating cake. Thus my time after work seemed limitless, there was always room for a little relaxation and messing around. If there was something important that needed to be done, I could knock it out no problem.

Now with the advent of needing to write 2,000 words a day and the need to go out and get drunk every night for a week, I have lost all ability to get things done in an efficient manner. (Although I did get sloshed quickly. Again, I succeed where it counts!) After work yesterday I needed to:
  • Go buy a belt to replace the old one, sigh. This was accomplished but took over an hour, as I had to also wander around the store, buy some oil for the Truck of Malfunction, and dig through the clearanced Halloween candy. (Important aside, I think I function entirely on sugar nowadays. I've eschewed protein and carbs for straight refined sugar. And I love it. Remaindered candy rocks my world.)
  • Clean up the house since I refrained from doing so after the Half-Party of Scary Movies on Halloween. This did not happen at all and when I got home from BWEoD I managed to step on three glasses, knock over two cans of Dr Pepper, and ran headlong into a wall. That last one did not have anything to do with cleaning, but I felt it should be included, for accuracy's sake.
  • Cook dinner. Also did not happen, unless you count unwrapping fun-sized candy bars as cooking. Like I said, vive la sugar.
  • Write my 2000 words. Actually did start, but yeah only got to 773 before BWE0D was scheduled to start, and really if you don't set priorities it sets a horrible example for the children. Won't someone please think of the children?
  • BWEoD. The only truly accomplished thing of the night, although it did run a bit longer than I had scheduled. Kudos to Devon's mad drink making skilz and to VH1 for ensuring that I needed something alcoholic to cleanse my mind, in the form of the 100 Biggest Red Carpet Moments. (Although to be fair, that Madonna/Courtney Love moment was so frickin awesome. I had totally forgotten about that. "Access to a lot of drugs." Madonna was such a bad-ass.)
  • Iron all my clothes. To cover this one: Right now it's a toss up as to whether I look like I slept in my clothes on a park bench and then showed up for work (which is not necessarily ruled out, I was in a right state yesterday), or had been storing my clothes in Pringles cans before getting dressed.

But today I'm totally set up for proper time management. I already have my voter registration card and the map to the poll location so I can go straight from work. And BWEoD is at my place tonight, so there's a good chance I'll clean up the apartment, and I'll have to provide food so dinner will definitely be served. That whole writing thing might be an issue though, a good host never runs off to work on a novel during an event.

So huzzah. Go vote. Everyone who votes gets a free daquiri at the BWEoD tonight. If alcohol won't convince you to vote, I don't know what will.

1 comment:

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Thanks again
Sterling Myers