Friday, November 05, 2004

Hot Damn

BWEoD is rolling right along in grand fashion. Today I am old. But what a way to go. Friday is here and the culmination of Birthday Week is ready to commence.

NaNoWriMo is not going anywhere, mostly due to BWEoD. Word total is just around 2,000, pretty much 6,000 behind schedule. Maybe I'll catch up next week.

I hate to bring down the awesomeness that is this week, but y'all, I feel soooo sick right now. Is it possible to contract dysentery from bacon-covered cheese fries? I wouldn't think so, especially when I only ate the bacon, and yet I feel two steps from death's door. This could definitely crimp tonight's plans.

I had no idea exactly how much higher a degree of difficulty my morning routine is when I'm not feeling great. I already don't have that great of a morning routine. Anyone who knew me in college knows that I do not do mornings. At all. I would estimate my wake up time for the last two years of college to be somewhere around 12:30 pm. On a good day. And that's factoring in some wicked 8:00am labs and ethics classes that popped up every once in a while. I cherish my sleep above all else, you can be sure.

So in order to make sure I'm not late for work, I have a very complicated morning procedure:
  • First Line of Defense: Cell phone alarm clock. This goes off at 6:45 am. It is scheduled to then keep going off every 15 minutes until I clear it off of snooze. This is a weak line, because it is insanely fickle and only goes off about 3/4ths of the time. Also, the snooze gets tired easily and usually only goes off once before going on break like the Teamster it is.
  • Second Line: The alarm clock. This is the clock I have used since high school and it is uniquely able to rouse me from sleep, no matter what. Its shriek pierces my brain and I must silence it as soon as possible. So it is excellent. However, it does have an easy to hit snooze button as well. Thus we institute:
  • Third Line: The alarm clock is situated in the next room over on the bookshelf. At first this was just convenience; I had only one clock and I needed it in the living room where I could see it during the day. Now though, placing the clock in the next room ensures that I must physically get up and turn it off. Yeah sure, I usually get up, stumble over to the door, run into it, open it, swing my arm wildly until the snooze is hit and then collapse back into the bed or onto the floor, but the extra effort does get me up earlier than usual.

But this morning, trying to work all that sick? Was like concentrated Hell. My dizziness made me fall over even more than usual getting to the alarm clock, the chills that I had gotten during the night ensured that my blanket was firmly wrapped around my legs so completely that I fell off the bed, and...well...everything else just made the morning quite the Olympic event. I eventually forewent shaving 'cause the dizziness was just asking for more trouble than I cared for. Happy Birthday to Me, Indeed.

I am however rocking work despite it all, so maybe I'll make it through today. Can't let the BWEoD down now, after all we've worked for.


frank said...

Today's going to be awesome Jason! Pigskin is cool and homecoming is going to be greatness. Party all night long!

erin said...

plus you got a call from me! I heart my CCSBE!
Muwah! Hope your birthday was great.