Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Oh Man

Nothing saps my will to badly write a novel like a failed coup of the White House.

That being said, yesterday was interesting. I used my mad driving skilz to get home through the rain before 6:00 so I could pay my rent and hit the polls. Sadly the complex office closed early for voting, so I imagine it's only a matter of time before I get evicted and all my beautiful possessions are strewn across downtown Dallas.

I did make it to the polls, though. This may not have been the best thing, since I totally broke the scantron machine of magic voting elves that counts the ballots. Apparently I lack the ability to feed paper into a machine without disasterous results. I am a pox on Democracy. But they got it up and running within 10 minutes or so, so there was no lasting harm that I could see.

BWEoD continued unabated. I hit the grocery store for daiquiri mixers around 8:00 and found a whole crowd of people debating the age old question "What drink best washes away the pain of an election?" Me and this tall girl with spiky hair decided that strawberry margarita mix was definitely the sophisticated choice, because nothing says "informed voter" better than being drunk with really red lips. Unless you count drinking wine straight from a box, which ran a close second in our estimation.

I also picked up what I do believe was the worst Chinese food I have ever eaten in my entire life. Which I then proceeded to spill all over my kitchen floor. Egg drop soup does not clean well, believe you me. I think my apartment will forever smell like Calcutta now.


Our three person extravaganza got started in earnest with some light Daily Show which was wonderfully lovely (Al Sharpton is too awesome for words. And Samantha Bee actually made me laugh consistently throughout all of her bits. Will wonders never cease?) but surprisingly poignant ("This is just like a dream I had. Where I woke up crying." You and me both, Jon.).

I then spent the rest of the night watching Gilmore Girls, Mean Girls, and Center Stage -- otherwise known as the thoughtful homosexual's rebuttal to the easy passage of eleven anti-gay-marriage ballot initiatives. Sigh. And Damn.

Oh, and watching Sean compulsively refresh all the news websites for 2 consecutive hours with increasing horror.

"I think that county just got pinker."
"No, it's still white."
"No, it's totally pink. I see pink. How is it pink? It's surrounded on 4 sides by blue."
"I don't know."
"There's still hope though. He's only behind by 23,000. No wait, 27,000.
How did that even happen? Who do these New Mexicans think they are?"
"I dunno. I didn't even know there were 27,000 people in New Mexico."

I seriously need a nap.

Finally, the one important thing we learned from last night: Dance What You Feel!


frank said...

Oh my, Jason! LOOK! you're abbreviating evil is spreading!

I would of joined you but darn Pigskin rehearsal went on till like almost midnight. ugh... then Kehler cut the Dating Game/Bush&Kerry debate from the show! ugh... oh my. you have to hear from stories from last night! I'll post them soon. hopefully today, if I don't die.

erin said...
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erin said...

are you going to show us of any said 733 words? huh? huh?

frank said...

Pink Kitty... I didn't vote. I didn't see what a Kerry vote in Texas would do. And I don't really care about local stuff. heh.
And I survived P. Diddy! All you need to survive is when you see him turn on some hiphop music, he'll start involuntarily dancing, then encourage him with some random shouts, then while he's spinning on his head sneak out quickly and run for dear life.