Monday, November 01, 2004

Off the Face of the Earth

Man. So in preparation for the month ahead, (wherein I'm supposed to write 2,000 words a day, everyday and oh dear God what have I gotten myself into) I took this weekend off to catch up on all my reading, finishing off the 3 books I currently had going.

And because I already had the momentum going, I knocked off a 4th on Sunday, slamming all the way through A Home at the End of the World in about 6 hours. It takes a pretty good book for that to happen. But man, talk about depressing. Like someone took a knife and stuck in in my chest and started rooting around. "Does that hurt? How about now?"

Other than that, I watched a steady stream of football and movies all weekend long, pretty much as background noise. Had a slew of people over for ice cream sundaes on Friday and scary movies on Halloween. Luckily no small children came a'knocking at the door, so I got to give away all the fruit roll ups to my guests, rather than whiny children. We also learned: John Carpenter's Vampires is incredibly-over-the-top-trashy bad, but what did we really expect with James Woods and Daniel Baldwin as the headliners. Plus: The Ring still freaks me out far more than it has any right too.

Other things of interest:
  • The voting plan is all worked out, I researched all the candidates and have my ballot ready for tomorrow. I even have a map to the voting place. I am totally ready for this thing tomorrow. Let us hope I can make it home before 7:00 to actually get to Rock the Vote properly.
  • This week is Birthday Week for me, so in addition to all the writing all the time, I plan to be more drunk than usual, and have outings planned for much of the week. 23, people! I only hope the two bottles I have in my house will be enough. And I totally apologize in advance for anything I do or say on Friday, the apex of birthday celebration.

So that's that. If you hear from me much less this month, trust that I'm slaving away on a long, crazy, poorly-written-and-plotted story and pray for my safe return.

1 comment:

erin said...

what have we gotten ourselves into...i don't have time for this mess...yet I can't tear myself away from writing my 1667 words today. Keep me updated yo.