Thursday, September 15, 2005

Asleep at the Wheel

Did you ever have one of those days where you decide to go to bed, but then you can't sleep so you get up and start writing something instead because your mind has been wandering around an idea for a story for a week and then you think it's going very well so you keep at it much longer than you should and end up not getting to bed until well after 2:00 and thus will be utter crap and possibly late for work the next day and then you get to the end and go back to read it all over and realize that it makes not a damn bit of sense and was an utter waste of time?

That may be a little specific, but it's very applicable to me. And it was followed by absolutely disturbing dream wherein I was going on a month long trip to Europe with my friends, except I arrived at the airport with no tickets, no passport, an empty backpack, and was forced to start turning tricks to make my way on the trip.

So today I am utter crap and can't seem to focus my mind on any one task for longer than 7 minutes.


I am so easily startled these days. A couple of nights ago, I has just gotten back from the store and was parking my truck behind my apartment. I went to get out of the car, but turned back to grab my cell phone from the passenger seat. When I turned around to step out, there was the guy from upstairs right there walking his dog. I was so surprised that I went "Yeargh!" and hit my head on the doorframe. This sent the dog into a mad barking spiral and further cemented my neighbor's conviction that I am the weirdest person in the world.

Yesterday at work I had to take three big boxes downstairs. They were basically empty, but huge, so when I was carrying them they blocked my field of vision and towered slightly over my head. I hopped in the elevator and swiped the ground floor button and leaned against the back wall. When I heard the ding that signaled the doors were opening, I turned sideways to be able to make sure the doorway was clear before I walked out (don't want to run into anyone and cause an embarrassing scene, you understand) and found myself face-to-face with a huge guy in overalls who had apparently gotten on the elevator at the same time I had. As I had been thinking that I was alone, his presence in my immediate vicinity caused me to go, and I quote, "Ha-Yeerr!" and overbalance the boxes so they started to fall. I tried to walk forward to compensate and catch them before they hit the ground, and managed to slam myself into the wall of the elevator, hitting every single floor button, along with the big red one that makes the alarm sound.

When I finally got out of the elevator, I found that my antics had been witnessed by about 9 people waiting to get on the elevator, each of whom shot me a nice long dirty look when they realized that due to my incompetence they would now be stopping at every floor on their way up.

And just to make the day complete, the guy in overalls turned to me and said "Well you're a skittish one, aren't'cha?"

this is me in grade nine, baby, this is me in grade nine.

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