Monday, August 01, 2005

Spin me, clown!

Another weekend passed, another slew of movies available for review. I'm starting to think that purely content free is the way to go. Summer turns my brain to mush, so this is all anyone's getting out of me until the first time we dip below 85 during daylight hours.

Rick. I don't know if this should count as a movie review, since a) no one has ever heard of it and b) it was so painful that I wonder if it actually happened. Now that I read through the supplementary materials online it makes a bit more sense, as I find that it was based on Verdi's Rigoletto, which fills in a bunch of the questions I was wondering about in the plot. Because I see it now (it's weirdly faithful to the opera while still being set in a corporate atmosphere), but that doesn't mean that it was worth anything. And there was no singing! It did have Sandra Oh in it, however, and I do love her, but that did not save this movie. Ugh.

Hostage. The second movie from the goodwill fount that is Sean and his unlimited Blockbuster-ness (Fourth, actually, if we consider Constantine that we watched on Friday, and the Family Guy movie that he provided us with that same night. Sean = benevolence) I don't know if it is my penchant for Bruce Willis action movies, the relative lateness of the night that I watched it, or the pitcher of hurricanes that we drank while watching it, but somehow I ended up really liking this movie. It was full of wacked out crazy people and Bruce Willis chewing enough scenery that by the end there was barely a wall standing.

Sky High. Fine, get it out of your system. Mock me as such, I care not. Actually, I'm not sure which gene I've inherited that makes me fall for Disney movies. Maybe it's just one of those childhood operant conditioning things (like my erstwhile love of McDonalds which I have repressed in light of the Prongs of Health) that just equates Disney movies with happiness. Whatever it is, this movie was just so cute. And there were superheros, and stupid jokes, and wacky teenage love subplots of ridiculousness. I can even forgive the fact that the main storyline was so painfully obvious that 4 year old child sitting directly behind my ear figured out the twist 20 minutes before it actually occurred. In my world of Disney rankings, this falls behind Holes and just barely ahead of Freaky Friday. Seriously, so cute.

Oh, and the illegal bootleg copy of the Family Guy movie was pretty funny. That's a good show they've got going there. Although I sort of wished they would have used their not being on broadcast TV a little more liberally. But as it was discussed, I'm probably just spoiled by the South Park movie, which managed to raise the bar for offensiveness so high that no one will ever be able to match it. Oh, my poor desensitized soul.

And that's exactly where my weekend went. Stay tuned for additional comments concerning a horrific car crash and my making of a pie.

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