Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Most 12 year-old Livejournaler Thing I Will Ever Write

Hi this is jason and its -2000 degrees in my office and I am sick so I took some flu medicine but it was this kind that is supposed to not make you sleepy but instead it has made me all wired and hopped up and I still feel sick anyways and the bright lights hurt my eyes and I want to go home but I can't because I have to wait to hear back from a hockey team and the phone won't stop ringing and its so loud and I can't stop sneezing and did I mention its cold in here because it is and I'm all shivering and I really think that I should just go home but what if I miss the hockey call then I would get in trouble and I need to keep my job because I like having money and being able to buy things but what is the good of having money if you're dead in your office only I probably won't die I'll just feel bad and whine a whole lot until I get to go home and why isn't anyone being nice to me I am not feeling well people should say nice things to me and pet my hair and bring me soup.

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