Tuesday, July 12, 2005

They call me Gimp Eyed Joe

My left eye is becoming non-functional. Apparently some time during the dead of night I was attacked by an unknown number of malcontent insect elements. Possibly a lone agent acting independently, or a whole gang out for no good, but in either case, I have a nice bump on my goddamn eyelid that is swelling larger and larger by the minute.

Everything was fine until I got in the shower, but hot water apparently angers the offending bump more than anything else in the world. I can only manage the half-open look at all times now and it looks like I was on the losing end of a bar fight (with an insect). It also throws off my depth perception something fierce, which is no good at all for me, since I'm already so prone to running in to everything. So far today I have misjudged: Two doorframes, a server casing, and the corner of the vending machine in the break room. Which shouldn't even be possible because the vending machine is in a far corner that I never even go near.

Also, have you ever had a time in your life when it hurt to blink? Suddenly you are hyper-aware of how many times a day you do it (hint: all the freaking time) and you actively start trying to blink less. Which just makes it worse, because thinking about not blinking just makes you want to blink more, and then your eyes get all scratchy and start to water and blinkblinkblink owww.

Repeat that over and over every 45 seconds for at least 2 hours. This is where I am coming from today. It's not a pretty view. And it lacks proper depth.

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