Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Buying in Bulk and Hipsters

Okay, so I may have gone overboard on the grocery shopping over the holiday weekend. Because now that we're back in the cold reality of the workweek I'm suddenly having to deal with finishing off roughly 5 square feet of meat products that are occupying all the empty space in my refrigerator, and it's killing me.

I am a man of a delicate constitution, as you may be aware, and cramming myself full of a variety of meat based products is just not agreeable to my waif-like nature. But damn if I'm about to let all that food go to waste. The lesson has been well learned, however. We should never buy in bulk - there's a reason we are not a member of a warehouse club and it's not necessarily because they are tacky.

Plus, I'm pretty sure that polish sausage falls outside the realm of the healthy prongs of the master plan for avoiding an untimely death.


On another note, I cannot get the song A Little Respect, by Erasure out of my head. I wander throughout Dallas, mumbling it under my breath. My head bobs unconsciously to its catchy tune. When I believe I am alone I sometimes do a little dance.

I used to think that episode of Scrubs was just a delightful joke, but now I know the hideous truth - the song will never leave me. On my deathbed, I will be all "Give a liiiittle reeespect, tooo--ooo--ooo meeeeee"...

This is a nice segue to update everyone on how dependent I have grown on my iPod. Because seriously. I was trying to run the numbers to give an estimate on how much time I spend with it on my person, and realized that it would just be easier to calculate the time that I didn't have it with me. Music at your fingertips at any given second? In a device that is smaller and weighs less than the pack of gum sitting next to it in my pocket? For the love of God.

Although more and more I feel very much the Hipster That Guy whenever I wear it in public. I'm starting to notice the glances now. The narrowed eyes whenever they see the white wires come out. I've become a symbol of conformity. People with wild hair and piercings look down on me with scorn. I've bought into The Man's system.

A nice guy explained it best to me last week: "I'm not saying that everyone who has an iPod is an asshole. But every asshole that I've met has an iPod."

It's one of those 'all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares' sort of thing, which I can completely understand (since I related it to geometry, naturally) but makes me very wary. What if I really am a hipster asshole and just don't realize it? I mean, you know that hipster assholes don't know that's what they are - it's part of what makes them assholes.

The entire enterprise makes me uneasy. And all because of a little tiny white box, that I love ever so much. Sigh. I will have to be on my guard for any hipster tendencies. (Oh crap. Double sigh.)

1 comment:

erin said...

whew, guess I'm not a hipster, cause it's a little hard to have "one republican friend" out here in west texas. It's more like "erin is our token liberal." And I think that having an old ipod makes you cooler because you got before they were cool. Like listening to the killers before everybody knew who they were.

And hey! I represent that wild hair piercing comment, be nice to the indie folk! We like ipods too! Ours just have indie music on it. So there.