Thursday, July 21, 2005


Let's see if we can nail down exactly what the best part of today was, shall we?

Was it:
  • When I woke up 5 minutes past the time that I usually get to the office and realized that some how my alarm clock was flashing 12:00, despite the fact that no other appliances had gone out overnight?
  • When I was rushing through the (pitch black due to maintenance) parking garage and some chick threw her cigarette butt out the window and into my hair?
  • When some overly large woman with an orange perm from beyond the grave spilled her entire Coke down my back while I was eating lunch?
  • Or when I was heading back to the office (with a wet and sticky back) and some blond girl in a red Mustang rear-ended the Truck of Malfunction and then sped off around a corner before I got any additional information?

I'm going to say it would have to be the part with the cigarette in my hair, because at least then I could enjoy the delicious menthol stylings of someone else's lung irritants with the added bonus of that great burning hair smell!

In other news, everything sucks. How was your day?


erin said...

OH NO! Poor jason, that sounds horrifically awful!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of blonde shits that drive red Mustangs, The O.C. will be back in our lives in about a month.