Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Bits 'n Bats

Random things floating in my head right now that I wish to enumerate:

  • I really hope whoever invented waffle fries won some sort of award for delicious inventiveness.
  • If you bring banana bread to the office, you damn well better have enough for the whole class. Otherwise you're just mean.
  • Man, did The Fantastic Four suck, and hard. A whirling vortex of weird filming, bad special effects, and really horrible acting. Throw in a "plot" that was basically "Hey, we're the Fantastic Four, aren't we cute?" / "I'm a bad guy RAR!" / "Defeated!" and, oh my how I wish I could have back both those 2 hours, and my $6.50. Lame to the power of four.
  • Despite any newfound compulsions you may have, it is never a good idea to rub your head up against the wall of an elevator, like a cat. Especially if there are other people in the elevator.
  • I finished Magic Street over the weekend. I did not like it enough to justify the purchase. That makes me sad. It was good, but it veered off track sharply at the end. I still think the premise is awesome, and I respect the effort, but I really should have just borrowed it from the library.
  • I still have Shadow of the Giant to get to, but first have to get through the other books in the series again, to remember what's going on. Just now finished Shadow of the Hedgemon, in about 5 hours of pure reading. God, how on earth can a book be that compelling? It's not even that great. I have no rationalizations for anything I do anymore.
  • I haven't watched any of the summer fare on TV this season. Except for The 4400, which is awesomely addictive. It has a pure evil, non-alien baby from the future and plenty of hot guys to go around. I can only hope that the rest of TV hasn't been great. I wish now that I had watched The Inside more than just that one episode, because it looks really kick-ass, but for some reason I can't wrap my mind around summer programming schedules. It's so much easier just to turn on TNT and watch 3 consecutive hours of Law and Order instead of thinking.
  • I have oscillated between buying a new car, buying new furniture, and buying a new computer so many times over the last two months that my brain feels like a whirling centrifuge. I'm going to have to make a decision soon, if for no other reason than my mind will finally be silenced. It's so hard to decide, though. Compound that with the whole apartment-hunting thing starting up and you might as well prepare the straight jacket today. Y'all know I don't do well with decisions.
  • Have you seen where the Mavericks might release Michael Finley for the luxury tax write-off? That really sucks, but it's good for him, I guess, so I can't feel too bad. But I love my poor Mavs as they are. We already lost Nash, must we also lose Fin? Where will I place my emotions? Dirk will be all alone, and everyone will be sad. And by everyone, I mean me.
  • I planted some seeds in a little flower box out on my patio roughly 11 days ago. I have yet to see any flowers sprout, and am getting impatient. I tried talking to them at first, but it didn't work. I think I need to move on to yelling at them. Has anyone ever tried disciplining flowers? I need advice.

Okay, I'm done. Spotless mind, now that that's all out. I love spewing purely random noise out into the gaping maw that is the internet.


erin said...

Yay new post! Will you send me a list of the ender series in order? I need to get started on those, but don't know order past the 3rd one and always leave one/two out at the end. You should try "treasure box" by OSC, the parts I've read are good, haven't ever finished it though (because B/N was closing :) ) Sorry magic street didn't work out for ya. Did you know doing an OSC search on amazon brings up oh 300 + books. Jesus!

Anonymous said...

If this were The Sims and you were a sim, I'd make you buy furniture.. cause the carpools take you where you need to go anyway. And you can't enjoy your computer unless you're sitting on a decent chair.

frank said...

I would use the money cheat and have it all.

Jason said...

erin - series in order: Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow, Shadow of the Hedgemon, Shadow Puppets, Shadow of the Giant, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind. (At least vague chronological order. There's also the short stories of First Meetings, but those only last about an hour)

I have read Treasure Box, and while it was absolutely ridiculous, particularly the end, I was v. impressed.

sean - That is so weird, because I swear I had that exact conversation with someone 2 days ago. "Well if this were The Sims, what would you buy them first?" Cree-py. But very sensible. The closest thing I've got to being adult is micromanaging a computer game about them.

frank - Yes, indeed, we all know you use the money cheat. Your house had a teleporter and a robotic maid, for god's sake, if memory serves.