Monday, January 03, 2005

New Year

I am tired. A deep and pervading tired that can only come from illness, too many video games, excessive celebration, alcohol, staying up too late, and getting up too early. Otherwise known as college, but damn. Actually, in college I would never be up before 12:00, so that's not entirely accurate. But it's college for most normal, non-lazy people.

Let's see, since it is the first post of the new year, one is obligated to discuss the new year's resolutions made, or reflect back on how last year you didn't actually follow through on any of the resolutions from 2003.

But I don't think I'll do that, 1) because I don't have any resolutions for this year, and 2) I only had one from last year, and I actually did it (Resolved: I will graduate from college. I like to aim low, so as not to be disappointed.)

Except, now that it comes down to it, I feel like I should have something to resolve. I've got to come up with it on the fly here now, but I'm totally gonna have something to plan on improving this year.

1) I resolve to keep the weight that I gained last year. I finally made some progress at retaining my weight even when I don't go to the gym every single day, or ever for that matter. To make it measurable, I resolve to always stay above 150 pounds. This one will probably fail, since I invariably lose a ton of weight in the spring, but we can always plan, right.

2) Hm, I was going to resolve something about exercising, but it would directly conflict with #1, unless it was more "gym, gym, gym, weights, weights" which I don't really want to do. I could go back to the jumping rope, but that never seemed to work out without near-deadly injury, so this one will need some refinement. We'll go with "Resolve to in some way become fit enough that carrying groceries from the truck to the apartment does not make us winded." (Always aim low, I'm telling ya.)

3) I would put something in here about SOS 2005 (Significant Other Search - 2005, for those you who don't know me from back in the day) but we know how those always end up - with unflattering photos plastered all over the internet. So that's out. Two resolutions are enough, right?

Don't want to overexert ourselves this early in the year, you know.

Did I mention that I am exhausted?


frank said...

wow, gaining weight and excercising... I think you're setting yourself up for failure. Just stay with the thrid one. If you have a boyfriend, who cares how you look? heh.

erin said...

Hooray! SOS 2005, bring it on! I will join in on the fun, but only if I can get my own 12 reasons to date erin poster! ;)