Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Who with the What, Now?

Dude, cold medicine, cough medicine, and coffee is an unbeatable combination.

It's sort of like I'm swimming underwater on dry land, only I can swim incredibly quickly. And I can keep my eyes open. That simile probably doesn't make as much sense as I think it does, but it doesn't matter, because I am wired on caffeine, nodding in and out on cold medicine, and my entire mouth and throat are numb from the throat spray.

Heh. Throat looks like a very funny word on the second and third typing. Throat, throat, throat. It no longer has any meaning to me.

Where was I? Oh yeah, I am sick. Only not bad sick like I usually get, where I'm lying the futon yelling at imaginary dinosaurs. Just "Ugh, I'm sick" sick, where you'd just rather be in bed watching movies and eating soup than at the office wading through paperwork and trying not to look doped out of your gourd.

Ha. Gourd is a funny word too. Gourd gourd gourd gourd. I'm not even sure that's a word now. Spellcheck will tell me at the end of all the typing. Thank goodness for spellcheck.

Last night a bunch of people came over to the apartment for a mini party involving video games, pizza, and movies. Which is always a good time. Mario Tennis may be the most intense game I've ever played with 4 people. You think Halo is tense, when you're taking life-or-death sniper shots from across a grassy field? Try hitting a power shot from the opposite end of the court on a 5 minute rally. The howls of frustration that come up are primal in nature.

I think it speaks volumes to our geeky perseverance that I was able to have a complete night while doped up from this cold and Sean managed a full night while still recovering with a bout of mono. Who says video gamers are weak?

The reaction to the new apartment configuration was mixed. The curtains are a bit much, especially with the color the walls are now, but I think I'm gonna stick with them. Everything seems much cozier now.

Speaking of apartment related news, they got around to replacing the cute little faux-gas lightposts on my side of the street with those hideous flood lights as well. Man, and I said it was bad before. Luckily the new curtains in the living room take care of it quite well. The bedroom is another matter, but we'll worry about that after we pay off all the Christmas debt.

I wish I had some more coffee. There's no more left in the break room, I just checked. And the door to the pantry where the coffee is kept is locked for some reason. Some evil plot, no doubt. Without my coffee, I'm pretty sure a huge crash is gonna hit pretty soon. The cleaning crew will find me face down in a sea of documents and the imprint of a keyboard on my face.

That will be exciting. Huzzah for altered states of consciousness.


frank said...

Jason! coffee is for old people... and midwestern wives that chop wood for extra "hat" money!!

deh-vin said...

Shut up Frank. Coffee is very trendy! All the cool kids drink it.