Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Yesterday I forgot to do many things.

A Short List:
  • I forgot to watch the start of American Idol. Usually I'm first in line to view that train wreck of a television experience.
  • I forgot to go to the bank and deposit my three tiny checks that have been sitting in my wallet for a month now. There's just no motivation when they're all less than $50.
  • I forgot to eat dinner. Not sure how that happened, but when I went to get into bed, I thought about it and couldn't remember eating anything all night long. So that was weird.
  • I forgot to do my jump roping exercise for the day (meaning that I stalled out on day 4 of Operation Keep Jason From Dying Young. Quite the operation there.)

And most importantly:

  • I forgot to iron any of my work clothes.

See, with the necessary time sink in my life that World of Warcraft has become, I no longer complete all of my weekly chores in one single setting. Instead, I spread them out into tiny 10 minute segments that can be completed on the fly. So when the game is loading up, I go wash a couple of dishes. When my little guy is taking a flying bat ride to another city, I'll go iron a shirt, etc.

This works fine, except that yesterday, between needing to watch The Amazing Race (buh-bye Johnathan, may I never see your damnable face again!) and my hunter's urgent need to not get himself or his groupmates killed, I didn't have many of those short breaks. (Which, now that I look back, probably has something to do with missing dinner. Oh well.) (Hey, shut up, it's not an addiction! It's not like I was hungry and didn't go eat, I just forgot about the concept of nutrition. And yes we played until after 1:30 in the morning, but we really needed to get all of those cat whiskers in one sitting.) (Y'all just don't understand, I can quit anytime.)

This resulted in me forgetting to iron anything for work today. And since I was up late, this meant that I wasn't getting up early to do any morning ironing, that was for sure. What is the end result, you ask? Today I am wearing, to work mind you, a grey, form-fitting, long-sleeved, microfiber pullover, with the most ridiculous collar in the world at large. This thing clings to my body like nothing else, and could easily be one of the most inappropriate work outfits ever conceived.

And to top it all off, for some reason it picks up static electricity like no one's business, so I am constantly shocking myself on every available metal surface, an average of once every 43 seconds. And my hair is constantly standing out like in science class when you rubbed it with a balloon to learn something, probably about physics. Or chemistry. Possibly biology, I don't know, it was a long time ago.


This is not my beautiful office job.


Anonymous said...

World of Warcraft will be the death of me. I feel your pain Jason. I too have spent the evenings waiting to go to the bathroom until I can get to Crossroads and fly to Sun Rock or Thunder Bluff. My weekends are plagued with the option of taking a shower or just turning in that one last quest. It is a tortured existance, I know, but we somehow manage to pull through and greet the outside world without using words like "aggro" and "leveling"... well at least not in front of our coworkers.

You guys should come to Hyjal and play with me and my guildmates. There is minimal difference between PvP and PvE servers. Other than not having to worry about getting PKed if you go to Ashenvale or other contested areas. However, Mark did talk me into creating chars on your server so maybe I'll see you there too.

Stregnth and Honor,

^-- Biggest nerd ever!

Anonymous said...


^-- worst speller ever too