Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Ice, Dorks, Whatev

Update on Blinding Death: Somehow I managed to engage Creepy Neighbor Across the Hall in conversation yesterday. He said that he had the same issue with the lights and went to the office to complain. They told him they were adjusting the brightness and it should be better that night. They were right, in that it was still bright but I didn't wake up constantly. Of course, that might have just been because I was exhausted from no sleep the night before, but whatever, we take what we can get.

Okay, so it is freezing outside. Literally freezing, as in I went to get in my car today and had to pick the ice off around my door lock. And I swear, on Saturday it was like autumn and too hot for a light jacket. Today I am still freezing indoors because I have no work-appropriate jacket-like object (the only one I have is blue denim/corduroy and barely works outside the 1980's, let alone a work environment) and I haven't done work laundry this week so I had to wear my one clean work shirt left, which is the white one that is about as substantial as old tissue paper. I might as well have gone to the office naked. Although, ew, scratch that. No one needs that image this early in the day. Anyway, I'm cold. And old, so I complain a lot.

Last night I went to Best Buy to complete the last of my Christmas shopping. Three presents and I was done. It's a very heady feeling, being finished before the 15th. Usually I'm scrambling through the malls on the 23rd, pushing aside small children for the last item on the clearance rack. So that is cool. Non-stressful holidays, I wonder if such a thing is possible. Not bloody likely.

Anyways, while I was finishing the shopping, of course I had to pick up The Return of the King EE, it's hard coded into my computer scientist DNA. Just the knowledge that I had a movie in my hands that was over 4 hours long, with 3 separate commentary tracks made me a little light headed. That's an easy 16 hours of entertainment where I don't have to do a damn thing but microwave the popcorn. And then there are 2 more discs with documentaries! Be still my tiny, dorky, heart.

I really have to get more dorks as friends, though. No one else seems to share my pure, unadulterated joy at this concept. They're all just very skeptical. Whatever, I shall soldier on alone then! It's not like there's a lot left to do elsewhere, considering I'll ice over if I step outdoors.


Anonymous said...

if it makes you feel better, i died when i watched it too. just couldn't take the excitement. over four hours! sigh.

erin said...

I'll be a dork with you, I just finished watching the entire second season of Buffy.

Anonymous said...

you are ugly