Monday, December 27, 2004

Post Holiday Wrap-Up

So Christmas was fun, wasn't it?

I headed out early in the morning on Christmas Eve after a long night of World of Warcraft which continues to run my life.

(Sidebar: How much does it rule my life? That night I had a dream that the Undead had planted an evil plague in my office building that turned people into zombies. But you couldn't necessarily tell which people were zombies. So I enlisted Sean to come to the building to help me fight the zombies, but he just wanted to kill everyone in the office, regardless of whether they were zombies or not. And then one day he showed up to work with an axe and I was all "Dude, you can't bring an axe to work," and he was all "But it has, like, a 18.9 damage per second rate." And then I was like "Oh. Wow, that's really good. Okay then.")

I hit the homestead around noon and proceeded to lie about the house doing a lot of nothing and playing video games with the brother. We then had Christmas Eve church service, which never fails to delight, especially when the minister busts out his favorite line of the night "And on that day, there was a ripple in the fabric of space and time, which resulted in the miracle creation of our lord Jesus." It's like a freakin' episode of Deep Space Nine lodged in between carols.

After that began the ordeal that is gift-giving, which in our house is something of an extravaganza to say the least. It lasts from that night up through at least noon the following morning.

(Although the interlude that was that night was fun. Jason - falls asleep. Ishbu (the cat) - decides to come over and meow at him all night long. When this does not get the expected response, he climbs on top of Jason and begins to bat him in the head while meowing. Jason pets him to calm him down and then falls asleep again. Repeat all night long. Good times. Turns out the cat does this at night when he wants to go outside. No one tells me anything.)

That next morning, I rocked out with: a new video game, a new beaver, an awesome entertainment center to house my TV, replacing the current set up of two ugly end tables propping the TV up in the middle of the living room, much like a car up on cement blocks in someone's front lawn, a set of most awesome coasters, a new chair, and a branding iron (yeah, I don't know, but that's totally what it was).

All of my gifts I gave were very well received as well, which is awesome, considering my general suckiness at gift giving usually. So that's cool. Especially the video game I got my brother which features a 2cm tall Prince of All Things and his quest to roll everything in the world into one huge ball. I ran around the house for 2 days humming the theme song. And it was awesome.

The rest of Christmas was filled with: eating, football, more eating, cleaning, eating pie, moving furniture, more pie, emptying out what was once my old room, a little more turkey followed by pie, and the systematic disassembling of a bed. And then some more pie.

The Day After Christmas was a blur of packing up tons of stuff. My sister is moving in to the spare bedroom of my Apartment of Too-Coolness, so we loaded everything she owns into the back of my truck and I set off for home. Navigating the Truck of Malfunction weighed down with a thousand items, combined with a mattress blocking the entire back window and a computer monitor and television blocking the passenger side mirror is something akin to steering a cow on rollerskates across a frozen lake. While blindfolded.

It took forever, but I got home, recruited Frank to help with the heavy lifting, and got everything into the house with minimal injuries.

I then proceeded to break tons of stereotypes by building not one, but two pieces of furniture, as well as breaking down the old bed from hell, again with only the slightest injuries. Although I did wickedly bruise my index finger which is making it hell to type pretty much every 3rd letter.

After that I went on to reinforce several thousand stereotypes by redecorating the living room while listening to Mandy Moore's CD. The new arrangement is a little quirky, but I'm very impressed with its lack of sucking, thus far. Today I will get the new curtains that will finish the room. Putting those up will be an entirely new adventure, mostly in the art of tackiness.

We finished the night with a rousingly horrible movie, The Girl Next Door, which seemed to show so much promise, yet left that cute boy from Joan of Arcadia looking absolutely horrible, and caused us to constantly yell at the screen. Oh, and I kept prompting the actual dialogue in the movie 5 seconds before the characters said it, which either means that - A) I think like the screenwriter (DOOM) or B) It's really obvious dialogue and the screenwriter is a hack (YAY). Guess which one I'm hoping for. Oh, and I finally went through the process of getting an account at The Movie Trading Company, which means that it's official - I can never move.

Man, that was a lot of crap for one weekend. I rule.

1 comment:

frank said...

dude, I still have that huge scratch on my arm from that stupid entertainment center!

I'm still kinda worried that there's still screws leftover from that thing.