Monday, December 06, 2004


It's been a while since I've watched actual TV.

Which seems sort of ridiculous to say, seeing as all I do these days is watch TV shows. But go along with me: I've discovered the joy that is Dvd box sets of TV shows; all the goodness of a serial, but no interruptions and multiple episodes in a row. So now when I actually sat down for some real-time prime time sitcoms (Arrested Development still rocks my world) I was shocked, shocked I say, by the levels to which commercials have sunk.

Although nothing reached the horrors that were the Levi's commercial of death, or that horrific Juicy Fruit debacle, instead we have hideous celebrity hawkings to deal with. Elton John for something resembling a bastard iPod? Sarah Jessica Parker running about in a GAP commercial? And did I just go temporarily insane or was that a member of nsync that I just saw?

People, this will not stand. It offends my delicate sensibilities when the weirdly famous start telling me I should buy stuff. As if Catherine Zeta Jones shilling for T-Mobile wasn't enough. At least she's smokin' hott enough to warrant an appearance on my television. Shouldn't that nsync kid be in some sort of rehab center by now?

Oh yeah, and in conclusion, each and every one of those Old Navy singers should be tracked down and shot. For the good of mankind.


In other news, my hair and I are in a vicious fight to the death. As of this writing, I am winning, but just barely. I'm attempting to grow it out at least some, to get out of the same haircut I've had for the past 6 years. (And we're not gonna count 2 summers ago when I grew out to that Dumb & Dumber chili bowl cut. That never actually happened.) This will be one of those historically epic struggles, so if you see me in real life, try not to shriek in horror at what may result in the immediate future. Sometimes good things can come of hair after a while.

Yeah, I've totally got nothing to talk about today.


frank said...

Jason... it's that banner. ugh.

erin said...

love the new banner!

frank said...


by me!