Sunday, October 03, 2004

I am Soo Not an Adult

I make a pretty good run at pretending to be all adult and whatnot.

I gots me a good paying job, an apartment to myself, and a slew of bills that I always cover on time. I spent 45 minutes a few days ago just staring a coffee tables trying to find one that would complement my living room well. And as much as it pains me to say it, I do enjoy spending the occasional (read: most every) Friday night staying home and watching the TV.

Now all that said, I am the anti-adult in most all other aspects. Key points:
  • When I go out for lunch, I either come home and have lunch meat sandwiches and chips, exactly like I used to when I was in elementary school or I go to McDonalds. Like, seriously, every day. I was a McDs fiend back as a child and now that I get to pick where I eat on my own, hells yes I'm gonna go eat there every day. Whateva, you're not the boss of me!
  • I shop like a 5 year old. I went to the store today, you know what I got? Let's go down the list:
  1. 2 boxes Fruit Roll-ups
  2. 2 bags Pixi Sticks
  3. 2 boxes Cake Mix (chocolate and strawberry)
  4. 5 frozen pizzas
  5. 24 pack Dr Pepper
  6. 1 jar of pickles
  7. 1 loaf of bread
  8. 1 box instant hot chocolate
  9. 1 box toaster strudel
  10. 4 candy bars (assorted)
I mean, look at that. I apparently live like a 1st grader would if he went all Freaky Friday with his older, just-got-out-of-college brother.

Top it all off with my stuffed beaver collection and the amount of video games I play, it's a wonder I'm able to survive on my own.

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