Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Complaints of the Elderly

Today's Rather Obvious Realization: I am old.

Yes, we go over this pretty much on a daily basis. But today my younger brother is 14.


I swear, this growing up thing sucks like nothing else. These 6 straight weeks are like an obstacle course of aging reminders. Bam! Your younger sister gets married! Bam! Your even younger brother turns 14! Bam! You vote in your second presidential election! And of course...BAM!!! You turn 23!

Is that even possible? 23? I mean I know I drank a lot in sophomore year, but I don't think it was enough to erase as many years as I seem to be missing.

There has to be some sort of clerical error. I mean, look at my day yesterday:

  • Come home from work. Immediately sit down at the computer and compulsively IM my friends. Use the word "totally" three times in a period of less than 45 seconds.
  • Have a snack. And by snack, I mean grabbing a cake from the kitchen, a Dr Pepper, and a bag of Pixi Sticks and heading into a delicious sugar coma.
  • Watch TV for three hours straight.
  • Refuse to clean my room or do the dishes.
  • Play video games until it's time for bed.
  • Stay up re-reading Harry Potter until it's way past my bedtime.

There should be some rule that if you act like you're still in high school, you don't actually have to age.

And to prove my point even more, I give you a conversation from this weekend:

Mom (whispering): Jason, do you know that your hair is sticking up all over the place?

Jason (as the sullen teenager that he is): Uh....Yeah, mom. It's the style. Geez.

Jason's Brain: Dammit, I knew I should have killed that stylist.


Oh yeah. Happy Birthday Aaron! May your high school years be less painful than mine.


Jason said...

Aww, thanks.

I will agree that the one good thing about moderately old age is ease of drinking in establishments. Due to my incredibly shifty look, I was often under much suspicion and derision when drinking in public. Now people don't even care, which is excellent and allows me to have things like conversations with my mom wherein I try to explain what Southern Comfort tastes like without using profanity.

So yeah, good times.

erin said...

you can't talk about soco or jager with out use profanity - or talk about what it does to you without using profanity.

believe me I know.

Jason - you ARE old - I'm still 21 :P