Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Today I am a Jedi (and other embarrassing tales)

If you will look to your right there a bit, you will see a nice new widget on my sidebar, which is a neato little direct link to my most recently played music tracks on iTunes. In case I have not said it lately, I truly dig the Last.fm. Sadly enough, that little widget took about 2 hours to program in, because initially I changed everything around all dramatic and crazy and with offsets and framing...only to realize that it looked like crap and I should just go back to the original format and just change one line of code.

My HTML-fu is not so strong these days.


Because I decided that the cave that suffices as my office was not quite full of enough humming fluorescent lights, I went around and replaced all the inset lights around my desk area. This left me with 3 burnt out fluorescent bars and a little free time.

This is a bad combination when you are alone. Because why not have a little mock lightsaber fight in the comfort of your own office? Only, when this is done, make sure your office door is closed. And for God's sake, don't make the little accompanying lightsaber sounds with your mouth. Dignity, man!

Whether or not I followed my own advice I will not divulge here. I will only say that from now on I'm getting into the office really early, and leaving really late. And never ever interacting with anyone else in the office. Just to be safe.

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