Tuesday, June 06, 2006

An Only Partially Fictional Conversation

Jason: So I think Sushi Girl and I are in a big fight.

Frank: What?! Why?

Jason: I went to pick up some sushi on Thursday and she didn't come over to give me my order.

Frank: Yes, obviously she hates you.

Jason: No, wait, there is more. So first she walks off from the take-out counter as I come in, and then she gets some burly guy to come over to get my food together. And then when I waved at her, she totally got this 'whatever' look on her face and wandered into the back.

Frank: Convincing evidence. What did you do to piss her off? *Gasp* What if she read your blog?! She knows that you like guys! And this is how she finds out! Everything fits!

Jason: Number one, I get maybe 10 hits on this site a day. The odds of Sushi Girl stumbling on the 2 paragraphs I wrote in March are somewhat... remote. Number tw--

Frank: No! It goes like this: So, Sushi Girl...wait, do you even know her real name?

Jason: ....not necessarily.

Frank: Riiight.

Jason: Whateva! Our love transcends her real name.

Frank: Yeah, okay. Anyways. So Sushi Girl is at home daydreaming one day, on the internet naturally, thinking about that nice boy she sees at work every once in a while, and she googles jason + sushi + dallas. Suddenly she clicks a random link and BOOM! There's your gigantic head right there in front of her!

Jason: Wait "gigantic?"

Frank: And she's all "Ooh, it's destiny! We are meant to be!" And then she reads the entry. And is crushed! You're a big old 'mo! And now she hates you for ruining her dreams!

Jason: Wow.

Frank: I know!

Jason: That has to be exactly what happened.

Frank: Way to ruin her life, fool.

Jason: Maybe I should get her a "I'm Sorry For Being a Homo and Ruining Your Dreams" Gift.

Frank: Maybe you should.

Jason: You'd think they would have that Hallmark card standardized by now. It must come up a lot.

Frank: Right. Just the parents it would apply to alone would be enough to justify it.

Jason: Yeah. A card would have been nice, back then.


Frank: Heh. Your straight crush hates you now. That's perfect.

Jason: Sigh. This is exactly why I stick to guys. The second you fall in love with a raw-fish-serving girl, they read about your homosexual tendencies on the internet and break up your imaginary relationship.

Frank: It's fun inside your head, isn't it.

Jason: Like you wouldn't believe.


frank said...

Oh. My. Gawd!

I worry about you, Jason.

Anonymous said...

Jason, perhaps you should purchase some chocolates and flowers and appologize to her by asking her out on a date and giving her the sweet lovin she deserves..... just a thought,


frank said...

well, Jason did rent "The L word" today at Blockbuster!!

Anonymous said...

You could write a whole other blog on the Adventures of Jason and Sushi Girl. It would be so hilarious! But you might want to choose another name for propriety's sake.


PS. Let me know if she fictionally takes you back.