Friday, February 11, 2005

Is This Because I'm a Lesbian?

Because it is that kind of day:

First some backstory: A bunch of my friends when to a karaoke bar last night. This is the same bar I went to last week for the night of horror, so I passed on going. In the past, at that bar, I have done an excellent rendition of a classic George Michael song.

So I'm getting on the elevator to head back to the office after lunch. I check my phone to see if anyone has called lately. I see that I've received a text message sometime lately that I haven't read yet. In the elevator, I punch it up to see what it says.

"From: Devon
Time: 12:05AM
Message: Two lesbians are singing Faith!"

I then let out the loudest, most inappropriate comment ever: "HA! Lesbians?!"

Yeah, I'm not so much alone on the elevator. And it would take way too long to explain it all, so to 5 people in my building, I'm now that schizophrenic homophobe on the third floor.

Hot damn, it's good to be me.


deh-vin said...

hahaha... lesbians...

Isabel said...

Think you had it bad? Try having your friend tell you that you're a "homo" in an elevator with 10 strangers around. Absolutely priceless.

Take care.

Chrissy the Self-degrading Specialist