Wednesday, February 09, 2005


I finally gave up and got a haircut. It just wasn't workable anymore. I had, like, those wings of hair that you get when your hair is so long that it curls around your ears. That's just the final straw - I refuse to fall that far back into the 80's. I don't care that there are leg warmers everywhere I look.

I actually went to a nice place, something that billed itself as a "unisex beauty salon," which, come on, is pretty awesome in and of itself. There a cute little girl, who I estimate to be about 16 years old, did fantastic things with my hair. This is the first haircut I've gotten in ages where I was actually sort of pleased with the result, even if I have sneaking suspicions about how it makes me look.

I was a little worried, when about half way through my hairdresser begins to recount her story of yesterday, wherein she decided that she wanted a mohawk. Seriously. So she went to her salon and asked for one, but the hairdresser refused because she thought my haircutter had the wrong head-type for a mohawk. And then, once my 16 year-old friend explained that she wanted to not only get it cut mohawk style but she also wanted to dye it bright orange, the hairstylist relented and was going to give her the mohawk. Because apparently that would make it okay? I was a little unclear on that part. But then they found out that the salon was all out of orange hair dye, and so she would have to wait at least 3 days until the supplier came back into town.

So yeah, this story all unfolds as we're getting the preliminary hair stuff done, and then we get to the real cutting. So I was a little nervous. But it came out excellent. Normally my hair is wicked fine and flat, which makes all styles inherently fail on my head, so she went around and "texturized it" which at first seemed like trying to give me split ends over my entire head, but turned out to be much more sophisticated and made me look all hip and stylish.

She also managed to keep the sides of my head in decent shape, which is something of a miracle due to my oddly shaped head. I have two large bumps on my head, or points, if you will, that define my cranium. One is right on top and completely unnoticable. The second is at the base of my skull and it is big and pointy and scary. And when I've just gotten a haircut, oh man, does it stick out obviously. But not this time, for my hair is uniformly good, hiding all unsightly blemishes and head deformities.

So I still basically have the same haircut that I've always had, only now it looks kinda decent. As Frank said, it actually looks like an adult haircut. And I would totally post a picture, if my camera had batteries, my computer cord wasn't lost, and if I didn't have the strong suspicion that people would tell me that it looks like I have the same hair as Jamie Lee Curtis in Freaky Friday.

Because I kinda do. Only it's not red. And I'm not a hermaphrodite.


God, it's boring around these parts. 6 paragraphs about a haircut? Stay tuned for tomorrow, when I go over, in exacting detail, just how much the grass has grown in my front yard. You know, if I had grass. Or a yard. Whatever.


deh-vin said...

You got a HAIRCUT???? I wanna see it! I'll talk to you LATER.

frank said...

wow... I heard this story... before you posted it! heh. BTW, love the Farrah Faucet feathered look on the back of your head! :D