Monday, October 31, 2005

Reason #456 Why I Hate Everyone

Coworker on my floor: Wow, so are you, like, dressed up for Halloween? Neat get-up.

Jason: Um, what?

Coworker: Your costume? You're supposed to be one of those Mormon missionaries, right?

Jason: Uh, no. [pause] This is how I usually dress for work.

Coworker: Oh. Well. [pause] That's nice, dear. [pats Jason on the shoulder and walks away shaking her head]

Jason: [goes back to his office to bang his head against his desk repeatedly until the day is over]

Have I mentioned lately how much I love Halloween? Or can you just tell by my tone?

[Secretly, I know this is just universal karma coming back for the Halloween I went dressed as a nun. But still.]

1 comment:

Felipe said...

I am not sure if that was a serious entry or not, but I loved it.