Friday, January 26, 2007

Wherein I Barely Restrain My Bloodlust

So when I was driving in to work today, I was waiting at a stoplight and slowly freezing into a chunk of ice, since the TOM has decided that the heater is no longer a vital component in its continued survival. I was just sort of sitting there, slightly shivering and mostly concentrating on getting into my office, where the newly installed thermostat is actually regulating the temperature in there. No more would I need to wear my scarf and jacket at my desk, like some sort of antarctic pole monitor. I should be able to warm up pretty quic--

When all of a sudden, some guy in the next car over from me has rolled down his window and just totally spits all over my TOM. Like a full on, super super super gross loogey from deep within. And it now occludes the majority of my passenger-side window. And did I mention it's like the grossest thing I have seen in 2007?

I cock my head to the side and give him the standard "Uh, what the fuck, man, did you just spit all over my car?" look. He just sort of shrugs and starts laughing, and taps the shoulder of his passenger to draw attention to his apparent masterful spitting job he has just done. They both enjoy a hearty laugh over this, until the light turns green and they speed off, still cackling away.

Seriously? SERIOUSLY?!

Okay, I have been in a bad mood this week, I will fully own up to that. My boss left the country and has left me in charge of doing many more jobs than I am capable of accomplishing, which results in a whole bunch of clients yelling at me all throughout the day, even though it is most definitely not my fault. This has sent me into a very angry space.

That said, good sweet and fuzzy lord, I was ready throw down against this redneck hick who somehow thinks it is the highest level of comedy that he has covered my truck in his disgusting bodily fluids.

I mean, that's just not done, right? I guess, on the incredibly odd chance that you feel the intense need/desire to spit out the window of your car and you happen to expectorate a little harder than you anticipated and it hits someone else's vehicle, the least that you could do would be to apologize or look a little ashamed of yourself. You don't point and laugh. I had to waste 5 bucks and be late for work this morning so I could drive through the goddamn car wash to clear off your shit from my car. (Cause I'll be damned if I'm going to let some fool's mucus dry on my truck).

It's now maybe 2 hours later and the bloodlust is still now only starting to subside.

Damn people. Always spitting on my car and shit.


frank said...


This was the perfect opportunity to immeadiately get out of your truck and point and yell HATE CRIME!

Sighs. It's like living with a 5 year old. A gay, truck-driving five year old.

Sean said...
