Thursday, January 04, 2007

When I Suddenly Hate Things That I Once Loved

I spent over 3 hours this morning writing the copy and formatting the text and pictures in what amounts to a spam email. I'm talking dedicated craftsmanship in every facet: I rewrote the language in it over 15 times, I tweaked the spacing, I changed the clip art, I reworked the entire logo and heading for our company, and then redid the entire thing when I realized the format was only compatible with Microsoft Outlook.

I don't know why this is noteworthy in the slightest, except to illustrate exactly how far I have fallen here in the year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Seven.

No matter what, I am way impressed with that piece of spam. It's got to be one of the finest works I have ever seen in its genre that does not mention a Nigerian prince.


In unrelated news, I can no longer stand Lunchables, as of Tuesday afternoon at 1:07pm. Which has been something of a problem, considering over the weekend I bought one for every day of this week, so I wouldn't waste money going out to lunch (2007 is the year of fiscal responsibility). Now lunchtime has become a dreaded event. I am completely over the little crackers and the processed cheeses and the gross meat, yet I must continue to work with them each day this week. Tomorrow is usually a day of rejoicing (it being Friday and all) and yet all I can see is the lunch hour ahead and my heart sinks.

I don't know what I was thinking back when I used to revel in the deliciousness that was Lunchables. Perhaps I had suffered several blows to the head, and I'm just now getting over them. It's a viable possibility, I'm very accident prone. Anyways, yuck.


We are on day 14 of the 15 day experiment entitled "Jason seriously tries to grow a beard." It was the worst idea I have had in quite a while (excluding the Lunchable debacle). I look crazed, homeless, and also patchy, because there are portions of my face that simply refuse to grow hair. Why my body refuses to get with the program will forever be a mystery to me.

I have no idea what I was thinking when I started this plan. But I said I would give it a full 15 days to get into shape, and dammit, that's how long it's going to get. I think I would have made an excellent choice for captain of the Titanic. "We set this course last week, it's perfect, I'm not about to change it for some ice."

So yeah, it's not long for this world, but if you want to see me all crazy and potentially homeless, your best bet is in the next day and a half. View while the viewing is horrifying. That's what I always say, at least.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those of us not in the general area of Dallas would enjoy pictures of the beard. It might inspire the rest of us who also have places on their heads that don't grow hair to try the same experiment!

-- Jim