Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Edit: You know, normally when someone writes one of these blowing-off-steam essays, once they've recovered they go back and delete them. Me? I go back, edit for punctuation and grammar, and then leave it up. I should be studied.

Today I have the worst (non-feline related) headache I have had in at least two years. It comes completely out of the blue with no apparent cause and it is ruining my life.

So much so that I missed the first hour of work today because I could literally not compel myself to stand up for more than 5 seconds without feeling violently ill. Thus I flailed at my alarm clock at least 5 times, each time hitting the snooze, completely unable to make the connection that I needed to actually turn the damn thing off.

I did manage to get into work around 9:30, though, because I need me some money and I can't be all slacking off just because my brain is trying to escape my skull by burrowing directly out from between my eyes.

The pain is now at least manageable, the problem now becomes that the things in a normal day which are everyday annoying now become brain-meltingly frustrating, to the point where one more stupid comment is liable to send me snapping into a crazy rage in all colors of the rainbow.

Boss creates a computer problem? Happens basically everyday. Only mildly annoying. Is moreso today with the aforementioned skull pounding, but manageable. The constant chatter and exhortation that I must fix said problem when there is no available solution? Intolerable. Telling me that "there must be something [I] can do" when there totally is not helps no one, especially not my rage.

And then when we get the IT email that indeed it is a corporate-wide server issue and cannot be fixed individually, one should not use the phrase 'well at least someone knows what they're doing around here' unless one wants one's assistant to quit in a blind rage, possibly after deleting every file in the entire office.

Don't tempt me, I'm so on the verge right now.


Heh, anyways, aside from that, my stock response for dealing with everyone today has been to respond to any and all attempts at communication with me by tilting my head to the side and saying (in the most British way possible) : "Is that so? Is it really?" and then staring until they go away. Sometimes I rub the bridge of my nose just so, or at least did until my pen leaked blue ink all over my fingers, and I left a huge blue streak across my nose.

Which was even more effective at getting people to leave me alone.

All in all, quite an awesome day. If you will excuse me, I'm going to go lie down in the dark for several days until the pain dissipates, and the blue on my face is no longer noticeable.

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