Monday, January 16, 2006

All Signs Point to Haircut

Okay, so my hair is crazy long. Well, not by any normal standards, but by Jason's Hair Standards it's running as long as it's ever been in the past 5 years or so. This means it is not quite in my eyes, but if I try I can actually see the beginnings of the hair in my field of vision. I cannot handle long hair, as anyone who knew me in high school knows. I look like a really unfortunate sheepdog when my hair gets long. An ugly sheepdog.

I keep meaning to go to the barber/salon/Supercuts and let them do the same damage they always do, but I am easily distracted by things like movies, or video games, or lying on the couch insulting my roommate for being lazy (while I'm watching an infomercial because the remote control is just out of my reach). With such a super busy schedule things have just spiraled out of control, hair-wise.

Problem is, I absolutely cannot stand long hair. On my forehead or in my eyes, it drives me nuts. Thus, in my state of long-haired-ness I have devised a system to keep my hair out of the way when I'm at home. It involves my red SMU ear warming headband (given to me by the lovely Devon) carefully placed just above my hairline with all the hair collected inside its elasticity, effectively freeing me from any potential hair distractions while I'm slowing vegetating away to nothing on the couch.

Its the perfect solution, except with my hair being as long as it is now, my hair actually spills out over the top of the headband. So it sort of flops out, giving off a look not unsimilar to a stalk of broccoli or a particularly poofy fern, perched on the top of my head. Which my roommate is exceedingly quick to mock. But whatever, if I listened to things that Frank told me, I would have died long ago, probably of alcohol-poisoning or in a gay orchestra riot.

So last night I am watching Grey's Anatomy and Red Eye with Devon and getting my laundry done, basically your normal, very productive Sunday night. I am of course wearing the headband, because it is what I do when I am at home and also because I think it only polite to show people how much you appreciate any gifts they give you by using them as much as possible. Even if you're using them in ways not necessarily intended by God or man.

Not really thinking of much of anything, I run out to the laundry room to retrieve all the clothes from the dryer (aside: for once this is not a story of pain in the laundry room; actually the laundry room has been very good to me lately) on a commercial break. With record pace, I collect my clothes and head on back home. As I hit my hallway I pass by two very nice girls who are having a discussion.

Girl One: [holding a garbage bag] So where, again?
Girl Two: I'm not sure. We've got to get to that dumpster. [Notices Jason. Surprised eyes at the hair. Recovers nicely.] Oh hi. Excuse me. I'm your new neighbor. Any idea how we take the trash out? [Another discreet glance at his hair. Seriously, she's got some remarkable poise in the face of someone who looks completely out of their damn mind.]
Jason: [awkward (that goes without saying, right?)] Oh. Right. Yes. You have to go down to that gate and walk all the way around, unless you want to drive. They stopped picking up at the door last week.
Girl Two: Right I heard that. Drag. Well, cool, thanks, I'm your new next door neighbor, [yeah like I can remember her name through my embarrassment]. Nice to meet you.
Jason: Hi, Jason. [tries to point to himself, but fails, as he is holding a giant tub full of clothes. Almost drops it, but recovers.] Me. I mean, I'm Jason. My name. It's. Jason.
Jason's Brain: SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!
Jason: Nice to meet you too. [awkward pause]
Girl Two: [Another glance at the hair, which has taken on a whole new look, after the near drop of the tub. There are random strands of hair now in Jason's face, along with the whole vegetable top look.] Cool. Well. Later.

[She goes to shake his hand, but thinks better of it when he attempts to shift the tub again and almost bites it. Girls One & Two ride off into the night, Jason runs back into his apartment, where Devon proceeds to point and laugh at him for 15 minutes straight. Which he entirely deserves.]

Anyways, with that final spurring from God, I will be going to get my hair cut this afternoon. Rock on.

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