Monday, February 25, 2008

Oscar Silence

This year marked the first time in ages that I didn't have some manner of thing going on in relation to the Oscars. For a while there I had a weird streak of dying my hair a different color at the same time as the show (that's finally over, thank goodness), and lately there's always been some manner of party, or at least people over to crack wise and mock all the fashions.

But due to a magical thing called Forgetting That the Oscars Were This Weekend, I had the whole day to myself. And you know what? It was pretty sweet. Because I found that if you watch the entire show with the sound muted while reading a book, it's a really pleasant experience. You miss none of the winners and still get to see all the fashion and the reactions, plus you don't have to listen to the horrible presenter banter or the host's stale jokes (sorry Jon Stewart, but seriously). And the most painful part of the whole night for me, the acceptance speeches, suddenly become wonderfully fascinating, in the sort of way a deranged mime might be fun to watch for a while.

I'm totally sticking with this kind of Oscars forever now, because it didn't even seem that long, since I had a good book to occupy my time.

Some general notes on the night:
  • There weren't any horrible dresses this year, which was ever so sad. Not even Marion Cotillard's fish dress was able to get more than a derisive scoff from me. Poor form, crazy dressmakers of the world.
  • Best Moment of the Night: Tilda Swinton winning Best Supporting Actress. Meaning that, for the first time in forever, the person who I thought gave the best performance of anyone all year actually won in the their category. Seriously, I loved her performance more than anything and didn't expect her to win in the slightest.
  • 2nd Best Moment of the Night: Once winning for Best Song, and the resulting two acceptance speeches. I actually turned the sound on for both of them. I couldn't be happier. And how cute were they?!
  • Worst Moment of the Night: Marion Cotillard? Really? I didn't know it until they actually read the winner, but oh man I really, really wanted Ellen Page to win that award. At least she looked super cute. Although did Michael Cera just not attend? I never saw him once.
  • Worst Ongoing Trend of the Night: Absolutely no love for Atonement (except for score, which: obviously) all the way through. It was expected but still ultra annoying. Totally the best movie, totally shafted. Ah well.

And that's that. Man, I feel really refreshed, and completely out of opinions. Plus I got through 260 pages in my book at the same time. It's a good day.

1 comment:

JHarp said...

Jason, Atonement was too long and boring. I hate to break it to you, but it was not the best movie of the year (not that I saw any of the other movies nominated, but just about anything had to be better than what I sat through). I feel I should be reimbursed for the money I spent on it...... and it is sad that you don't dye your hair anymore, that was a grand tradition that should continue despite us being 26 years old
