Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Minor Retraction

So maybe I was a little hasty with my last bout of ranting and raving.

Because apparently if you aren't home after the first delivery, you can arrange with UPS to go to their shipping center and pick up a package that same day, provided you don't mind the drive. Which, at this point in my epic OCD-level quest for video games, I'm totally fine with.

So I arrange with the UPS guy to pick up my package at their processing center, which is on practically the diametrical opposite end of Dallas from my house. Indeed, it's almost out near the airport like I suspected. But per his instructions, all I need to do is get there before 8:30pm. Since I've been hit with the American Idol sickness (see my upcoming post of epic, epic shame) I decide to head out there right after work, so I can be back by 7:00pm. I make the heroic trek down there, only to be told that no, I cannot have my package.

Because apparently the guy I spoke to was a bit confused on the specifics of this pick-up thing. Same day pick-up only occurs in the very precise half hour window of 8:00-8:30pm on the day that you schedule the pick-up. Seriously. You have an exact 30 minute span of time in which you must arrive, submit your order and get it processed, otherwise you have to rearrange a time and try another day.

So I drive back home and remake the exact same trek an hour and a half later. The lengths to which I will go to get this box are ridiculous, especially since there's really not that much I want to play right now. At this point it's just a matter of pride and determination. I will get this thing today, dammit.

When I arrive back at UPS (at 8:03), I am informed that they still cannot find my package, but I should wait around until all the truck drivers come back, in case they still have it on their truck. I wait another 28 minutes until I'm the only customer left in the place. The woman who cannot find my package looks over at me and realizes that, based on the fanatic gleam in my eye, she's not going to get to go home tonight until she finds my package. She takes off down to the warehouse herself to check on the last of the trucks coming in.

Meanwhile a random worker wanders out from the back and sees me, obviously surprised that anyone is left around. She asks me for my last name. I give it to her and start to explain that the other worker has gone out looking for my wayward package. The girl cocks her head to the side and looks at me with a puzzled expression. Barely even looking over, she reaches out to her immediate left and grabs the only large box left at the counter.

"Yeah, this is your package right here. I don't know what she was looking at."

Rather than pull my hair out and run from the office screaming, I hand over my driver's license and sign for the box. An hour or 14 later, I'm back at home and finally get to unpack my delicious Wii.

It's pretty cool, although the awesomeness was slightly diminished when Frnak proceeded to smoke me at both Tennis and Bowling in rapid sucession. I mean he destroyed me. It was so sad, y'all. My little guy can't bowl to save his life.

But whatever. Wii!

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