Okay, so I'll assume everyone watched How I Met Your Mother last night, because why wouldn't you? I mean, it's awesome.
So since you watched it, you know that the show has officially hit its hilarious stride again after floundering for a couple episodes to start the third season. This was the fifth episode of the year, titled How I Met Everyone Else, wherein Ted recounts to a new girlfriend the various ways he was introduced to the whole gang.
This functions as a wonderful plot device, and has the side effect of letting us see college Ted with the crazy hair and decorative spectacles, an image that never fails to crack me up. But the biggest laughs of the night come from Barney's Hot/Crazy Scale, which is the device he uses to determine the date-ability of girls, wherein a potential mate must have a hotness to crazy ratio of at least 1:1 to fall in the datable realm.
Which is funny, right? I mean, I should know - seeing as I wrote that exact post, 3 years ago! (Which has since been spammed to hell and back, btw.) Granted mine did not have a fancy air-drawn graph, or the hottness of Neil Patrick Harris doing the explaining. But the math is right there! I even provided (provode? provided.) examples! (See show? I can steal jokes too.)
Dammit, TV! Quit digging through my life for your plotlines!
(And yes, I'm aware that now I look completely crazy, as this is two consecutive posts detailing how the magic box in my living room is stealing my ideas and presenting them as its own. Just leave me to my rantings.)
So since you watched it, you know that the show has officially hit its hilarious stride again after floundering for a couple episodes to start the third season. This was the fifth episode of the year, titled How I Met Everyone Else, wherein Ted recounts to a new girlfriend the various ways he was introduced to the whole gang.
This functions as a wonderful plot device, and has the side effect of letting us see college Ted with the crazy hair and decorative spectacles, an image that never fails to crack me up. But the biggest laughs of the night come from Barney's Hot/Crazy Scale, which is the device he uses to determine the date-ability of girls, wherein a potential mate must have a hotness to crazy ratio of at least 1:1 to fall in the datable realm.
Which is funny, right? I mean, I should know - seeing as I wrote that exact post, 3 years ago! (Which has since been spammed to hell and back, btw.) Granted mine did not have a fancy air-drawn graph, or the hottness of Neil Patrick Harris doing the explaining. But the math is right there! I even provided (provode? provided.) examples! (See show? I can steal jokes too.)
Dammit, TV! Quit digging through my life for your plotlines!
(And yes, I'm aware that now I look completely crazy, as this is two consecutive posts detailing how the magic box in my living room is stealing my ideas and presenting them as its own. Just leave me to my rantings.)
1 comment:
after watching last night and thinking "gee, Jason came up with that a while ago", I have figured out both of our problems. We don't follow the chart at all. We need to support each other in getting the ratio back in balance, we date crazy without the attractiveness to justify it, its a problem we need to correct.
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