Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My Kingdom for a Hot Spring and a Question

The hot water main that runs directly below my building in my apartment complex exploded sometime early in the morning yesterday. As my HOA association/maintenance regulators are apparently some type of sloth/human hybrids, they did not get around to calling public works on this matter until about 4:00 that afternoon. Which meant that my condo has been without hot water for just over 29 hours as of this writing.

Do you know how many vital parts of my life are dependent on hot water? Way more than I ever stopped to consider. No hot water means: no shaving without ridiculous pain. No shower that I could make it through without shattering all my teeth from the constant chattering. Only the Cold/Cold option available on the washer, even when I'm doing my white t-shirts that really benefit from a hot cycle. No using my neti pot to clear up my horrifying sinuses. (Which, btw, I've somehow become entirely dependent on, if the utterly clogged nature of my nose today is any indication. Oh, and the crippling pain from the sinus headache. As soon as I try and be nice and do something helpful for my body, it immediately becomes wickedly lazy and refuses to do that job anymore. My body is stupid and teenager-ish.)

If I get home tonight and I don't have the ability to take a long, hot, luxurious, and super-girly shower, I'm going to go on a rampage unlike midtown Dallas has ever seen. You'd best not come between me and my exfoliation routine. My skin is a trainwreck as is. I'll end you just as soon as look at you.


A Question of Etiquette:

Say you're in a public bathroom at a urinal and someone in a nearby stall answers their cell phone, starting up a business call. While they're... well you know.

Is it rude to just haul off and flush when you're finished with your task? I mean, it's not like it's your fault that some fool has the manners of a wild dingo. But at the same time, do you need to bust him so hard like that, dropping a gigantic "He's on the can!" anvil in the middle of his conversation? Or if it's a just a real quick Q&A call that isn't going to last more than 30 seconds? And what if it's a really important call and the caller gets offended that it's being conducted in a not-fully-sanitized location? It's not like an unflushed urinal is going to be that much of a hassle to anyone, right?

But on the other hand, common decency means not answering your phone at that particular moment, no?

I had a 25 second crisis of conscience on this exact subject earlier today. I know what I did, but I really wonder what the proper response should have been.

Thoughts? Opinions?


Anonymous said...

FLUSH! If this person is low brow/unprofessional enough to conduct business while relieving himself, it serves him right for any consequenses he may face. It's not your fault that his timing was poor. I'd be more grossed out that you were the scum with poor hygene and didn't flush or wash, or worse yet , loitering in a bathroom waiting for his highnesss to get off the phone. Are you a captive or...stalking?
B in Winnipeg, Canada

frank said...

You HAVE to flush while he's on the phone. It's for the greater good. Not only that, but you have to punish this behavior to condition this guy not to do it again. Here's what you do:

1) Flush
2) Walk two steps away
3) Say loudly, "I'm glad you finally got over that constipation, honey child.. Now come back to bed.
4) Make kiss sounds
5) Run like hell!

deh-vin said...

As I read Frank's comment, I heard his voice inside my head saying "honey child". If I ever hear him say that again, real or otherwise, someone will pay. But I do approve of him using his psychology degree in every day settings. Conditioning indeed. Good job, Frank.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.