Wednesday, May 25, 2005

You know that feeling you get when you have a really bad case of the flu, and you're just so exhausted that the sheer effort just involved in sitting up straight or walking to another room makes you want to never move a single muscle ever again?

That is my life every day after work. Maybe I'm just stealth sick or something, but I've been getting full nights of sleep and not ever really exerting myself, yet I'll get home from work and decide not to cook dinner, because the kitchen is so far away from the couch.

I've become the dictionary definition of sedentary. The only reason my picture isn't there is that I might frighten off small children who are trying to learn new words. And not only that, I can't muster the energy to actually write a decent long-winded narrative of my life for the past week. I have so many things to discuss, but the typing, and then the phrasing, and the spellchecking...seriously now, I'm only one man.

I'm going to try to shorthand a lot of stuff in here all at once and see if starting clean as of today will make things easier on me. Deep breath, dive in:
  • I finally won my war against the ants. Of course, my victory was preceded by huge inroads made on their part and involved me be utterly swarmed by them, like in a TV movie of the week. It also had a part in the middle where I made a complete fool of myself in the Target checkout line when several ants chose that key moment to climb out of my hair and across my face and oh god why did I even bring this up? Suffice it to say the ants will never return to my apartment and I can never return to Target. A fair trade for all involved.
  • Revenge of the Sith was very good. That is not to say that I cannot or will not go on at insane length about the things that I didn't like or the things that were very wrong with the entire movie (because I have and will. Even now I can feel myself getting warmed up to a diatribe of it's own post, but I'll try to refrain) but it was overall so much better than the first two that I am ridiculously relieved and happy with the whole thing. I think it's really cute that the whole world is letting out this shuddering sigh of "Thank God it didn't suck!" that translates into "A great movie!" But yeah, totally enjoyed it, already seen it twice, you should obviously see it at least once.
  • All those little things in the world that were destroying me before have mostly been taken care of. Mechanic fixed the car and although it cost a lot, at least there is a car now. The apartment maintenance has come through on all fronts and I'm back to livable conditions in the house. Still no working phone, but I at least got a stabilized service on my current one so now I get all the incoming calls, even if the reception sucks. Baby steps towards happiness all around.
  • Despite the crippling exhaustion from work, I have managed to spend many more nights out doing things with people than staying in with the video games, which is a welcome change. Sometimes I forget that people are good times. And not to be flip or anything, but all the human drama out there among my real-life people is even more exciting than televised drama. Who would have guessed?

Whew. So. Yes. I'm truly spent, now. Who knows when I'll have the energy to get back on things. But someday, man, someday.

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