Monday, September 10, 2007

A Worryingly Long List of Worries

I'm a little worried about the amount of stock I put in the win/loss ratio on my FreeCell stats page. That I can consistently keep it at 95% makes me inordinately proud. Tied to that - whenever I feel dumb, I take solace in the fact that I can complete an expert Minesweeper puzzle in 120 seconds. I'm pretty sure these are not healthy thoughts.


While watching Varsity Blues on Saturday night, I was inordinately preoccupied with the fact that Jon Voight (the coach) was completely right in his thinking in terms of the game of football. I mean, the movie goes ahead and makes him racist and crazy and hell-bent on winning to the point of injuring his players, but his football was sound. What was the point of James Van Der Beek and his ridiculous plays? Man that was annoying.


Oh, and I just analyzed the character motivations in a movie about high schoolers who were portrayed by actors with an average age of 25, and prominently featured Ali Larter in a whip cream bikini.

Also, now I own a copy of Varsity Blues.


I've been exercising regularly for about 9 days now, and I'm worried that my left arm is getting noticeably bigger than the right one. Which makes me want to just do more reps with the one hand to even things out, but then what if it's just all in my mind and then my right arm gets even bigger? I already have the sneaking suspicion that my right leg is longer than the left, pretty soon I'll be shuffling around in irregularly gaited circles.


I've been actively considering a re-subscription to The World of Warcraft, ever since I did my financial analysis last week. While WoW is a soul-sucking life devourer, it's very cheap compared to most all other gaming comparables. On average, I spent 4 times more per month when not playing that game. But did I mention the life devouring?

There's just no good choice there.


Even though my new car has been fixed (and for relatively very little money) every time I turn the key in the ignition I have a moment of complete blind fear that the car isn't going to start and I'm going to have to go through the whole ordeal of car rescue all over again. This is not good for my well-being or state of mind, and is sincerely detracting from the joy of owning an absolutely sweet car.

Is it possible to get an ulcer from owning something that is too awesome?

I'm breaching whole new levels of paranoia here.


And now I worry that this list is getting too long, so I'll stop.

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