Of course, since no one is really aware of the Beard Watch until now, because I am a lazy bastard and never actually posted anything, this whole thing sort of loses its effectiveness. I shall start from the beginning.
So over the weekends I am always very lazy and never really shave unless I have a date, or a meeting, or a coronation to attend. As this weekend's largest adventure was a mission to see Stick It (Two word review: Eh, Nice.) I did not see the benefit of shaving. And when I got up late on Monday, again I wasn't really feeling it, thus the Beard Watch was born.
I usually don't go in for such things, as I've had very bad experiences with facial hair in the past (see: my sophomore year of college, the "goatee/soul patch of death" months. *shudder*). But since I am now ancient, I figure it is high time to see whether or not I actually can grow a worthwhile visage.
The answer is mixed.
I think it looks nice. Not great, but different. Scruffy is one thing, bearded is another. I am somewhere in the middle, but after 6 days we're leaning towards the latter.
Frank says it makes me look "Funny. And by 'Funny', I mean 'Queer'."
Hate Crime!
Devon occasionally would break out in fits of laughter around me, but refused to confirm that she was indeed laughing at my face. And she did mention something about Chris O'Donnell circa Grey's Anatomy (not necessarily a comparision but more a frame of reference. But I take everything said to me in the most absurdly complimentary light possible, even to the point of removing all context. Jason = Chris O'Donnell. Damn straight.) Therefore, I say the results are inconclusive.
The experience of having a beard is cool though. Morning time is drastically reduced, although it can be pretty itchy during the day. Random people I barely know stop me to discuss how I look, which as a huge narcissist I dig. And I can totally stroke my chin in thought and look wicked deep and introspective. It's only second to a pair of glasses in making me look smarter than I am.
But since I do have a date this weekend, we will be bidding farewell to my little friend soon enough, no doubt. Such a sad day. And such a lame story. Geez, maybe it was for the best that I didn't post anything.
Oh, okay, also. I've been meaning to forever, but just this week finally got a pair of sunglasses. Long it had been that I was always wearing my normal "corrective lens glasses" (as all the cool kids call them), so shades were out of the question. Now that I've got my delicious contacts, I can once again enjoy the outdoors without wincing.
The particular sunglasses I got? A pair of smoking hot super-dark aviator style ones that cover at least half my face. I love them beyond words. Not only are they functional, I think they make me look totally bad-ass.
(Frank: "Those are the gayest things you own. And you own a lot of gay things. And since when are you a cop from a bad porn movie?" Way more information than I ever needed to know, that.)
Combined with the Beard Watch, I am truly pushing the envelope of fashion this week. I should totally be America's Next Top Boy Model. I am at least as pretty as every one of the contestants left on this season's cycle.
And Tyra would love me, for I am fierce.

Too sexy for words.
Jason = Jade's oldness
Jason = Danielle's sickly-ness
Jason = Joanie's funky teeth
Jason = Sara's ability to suck
Oh man, it's totally you!
totally awesomeness!
they are sweet
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