Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Won't Someone Think of the Goddamn Children?

I fear for the future of our country.

At lunch today, in the fast food line:

Chick In Front of Me With Little Girl in Tow:
A #7 with an
iced tea, and a cheeseburger kid's meal, with no bun.

Cashier (befuddled): Kid's meal with no bun?


Little Girl In Tow:
Yeah! Carbs are gross! (sticks tongue out)

That's right sweetie. (pat on head)


No, seriously. What. The. Fuck?

First off I thought we were finally letting go of this no carbs thing, or at least we were inundated enough that I no longer had to consciously hear about it anymore. Like I see the signs that say "1/3 less carbs" and whatnot, but they don't have any impact anymore. I mean people aren't still doing this, right?

Apparently yes.

But second? She a goddamn child. Maybe what, 7 years old? She freakin' stuck her tongue out as part of the statement, so as to fully convey how yucky carbs were. I....words....there are none.
And the mom encourages this? Actually buys these meals and pats her on the head? I wanted to physically grab the child and run from the store straight to some sort of deprogramming center where they would give her ice cream and funnel cakes until she blissed out on an insane sugar high and forgot all of her horrible past.

Judging from the look the cashier gave the mom, I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this feeling, especially considering the look she gave me after they had wandered off with their food, which was the clearest non-vocal communication I have ever received ("Bitch be crazy," said the cashier's cocked eyebrow).

Ugh. People. I hate people.

Or to be more specific, I hate people who hate carbs. And hop on every fad diet train.

And then have children and pass their 'wisdom' on to the next generation.

People suck.

1 comment:

frank said...

Well, Jason. Not everyone can afford to surgically implant a flesh-eating tapeworm into their digestive tracks like you did.
