Saturday, April 23, 2005



So I was messing around with my template, right? Because I was sick of being like everyone else.

And then some bad things happened, and nothing was ever good again.

But I salvaged something that I don't think is completely hideous. (Only, it sort of is, but I love primary colors. It's so very Mondrian, if Mondrian were a lazy blog author. And used orange. And excessive black. And no whitespace. Okay, it's nothing like Mondrian. Shut up, I'm traumatized. )

And there's a new banner courtesy of my arch-nemesis Frank. Thanks, Frank! I love it because it contains a picture of me, and I am nothing if not a narcissistic prick.

So that's that.

Maybe some day I'll even add some new content. Wouldn't that be awesome?


frank said...

oooh! fun!

now blog!

Jack Lee said...

I dread changing my template for fear of something going wrong.

Orange is OK.

Not sure about the side bar, though. I can't read anything!

erin said...


loves it.