Thursday, February 08, 2007


(Hi hi.)

How's it going?
(Right now)

Am I properly portraying my mental state through formatting?

So I started taking some new allergy medication yesterday night, and then again this morning. I've been having some really bad allergy things happening lately, like bad headaches and the uncontrollable twitching of my right eyelid. Along with the normal sneezing, watery-eye, zombified Jason things that usually happen.

These new pills are actually old pills. They're part of that regimen that I was taking back during that really bad allergy attack in October. But I stopped taking everything when I realized that the nighttime pills were causing me to become wildly paranoid. Like "I think there's a monster in the bathroom carefully timing its breathing with mine so I won't be alerted to his presence" sort of paranoid.

But now I'm just taking half of the drugs (the daytime part), and the results are completely something else.

To wit: I'm wired.

No wait.

I'm Wired.
(In italics. Large-size. And Capitalized. You see?)

This results in quick speaking, super focused, hummingbird type darting around the office. I am one million times more productive than ever before, and also a little insane right now. My eyes feel very open. I finished about 4 days worth of work before lunch today. I'm afraid I have the crazy eyes going on, also, because of the wideness. I'm being really friendly too. I actually engaged some random person in the office in idle conversation, without being spoken to first. I think we were talking about the Mavericks. Maybe, I'm not sure. I don't remember that far back (3 hours).

This is why I don't like drugs. Why can't allergy medication just treat the symptoms without sending me off on some strange trip. Suddenly I'm some sort of bubbly, efficient, normally socialized human being? That's not me. Not me at all.

Stupid drugs.

(Whee! Wired!)

Did I mention that I'm having a really good hair day today? It's totally sweet. You should see it; I'm looking goooood.

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