Thursday, December 08, 2005

Embarrassment (Part 875 in a series)

You know those days where something feels off? Like, you're getting ready to head out the door and everything is in place, but you feel like you're forgetting something? Today was that day for me. I had braced myself for the ridiculously freezing weather (by adding a scarf to my normal ensemble). I had my lunch, a book, my phone, my keys, and my contacts were in place. What could be off?

Belt - in place.
Hair - looking ridiculous (per usual), but brushed.
Lights - turned off.

No big things I needed to be worrying about, nothing pressing for the day.

Eventually I chalk it up to being a humongus dork (something which, of late, I am intimately accustomed to) and decide to go on with my day.

Which I do, without incident, for the majority of the day. Blah, blah, cold, blah, work, blah, oh dear lord there are people in my office and they are talking and why won't they just leave me alone, blah.

We make it all the way deep into the afternoon. Suddenly I am very very tired. I'm helping the new guy with some computer things in his office, when I'm struck by the intense need to yawn and stretch. Because it is late, and I have no shame, I go ahead and stretch to my hearts content.

New Coworker: "Uh, what's that?"
Jason: "What's what?"
New Coworker: "That. On your side?"

I realize that there is this huge bulge on my side, where my shirt tucks into my pants.

Jason's Mind: "Hmm, that's odd."

Now, a rational person would have just brushed it off and investigated at a later time, when they were alone and not in someone else's office. Maybe we haven't covered this today, but Jason, he's not exactly the most rational of beings.

Jason: (Because I'm brilliant.) "I don't know. Let's find out."

So I go rooting my shirt out of my pants, and digging through there to find the offense: somehow during my morning ritual, I managed to put on all my clothes without realizing that there were several socks statically attached to the inside of my shirt.

And by several, I mean 4 socks (all different kinds), and one paired set of socks, all lining my waist like some sort of deranged insulation.

It is somewhere around the reveal of sock #3 that I start to realize that, hey I'm not alone here, and this guy has only known me for roughly 6 hours, and I'm standing in front of him systematically pulling out socks from under my shirt, in the way a magician does with a multicolored handkerchief. But I couldn't really stop, the damage was already done.

And there not a lot you can say at that point - you've just revealed yourself as completely insane on the new guy's first day of work. Because let's face it, there are no rational explanations for why you have 6 socks attached to your body all day long and don't realize it. What?! I was cold and my clothes are really loose! I've lost a lot of weight recently! Leave me alone!

In any case, do I make AWESOME first impressions or what?

1 comment:

frank said...

seriously Jason. You had another chance to "be normal" to a new person and you blew it.

Are you sure you weren't just drunk while putting on clothes this morning? You did kinda walk with a slight limp/staggar when you walked out the door.