Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Night, Lights, Georgia, Whatever.

So driving in to work today, an experience that brings me to a murderous rage faster than any other except perhaps Carrot Top commercials, I happened upon something that both soothed and confounded me.

Namely, the oldies radio station playing "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia."  I've never really paid a lot of attention to this song, but I must admit that it is in my top 5 of Songs About a Vengeful Sister Who Allows Her Brother to Take the Fall for A Killing She Committed. 

Seriously, what on earth is this song about?

"Well, they hung my brother before I could say [that I killed that dude who was screwing my brother's wife]"?

Umm, exactly how did this happen before you could say anything? Too busy to go to the hangin'? Or the 'make-believe trial' for that matter?

Really, how is she blaming "the Judge in the town [who has] bloodstains on his hands"?  Methinks she should be looking more towards the crazy woman in the mirror, who's wielding the gun. I'm just sayin'. 

And then she killed the wife, too?  What is she, the morality police? Is she gonna go after the bartender who also admitted to sleeping with the wife, next?  This woman is obviously unbalanced.

To recap, she kills 2 people, allows another to die for it, then she blames the lawyers and the judge after-the-fact, and THEN she goes on to write a hit single about her misdeeds so she can be all rich and whatnot.

I don't like this woman one bit. Way to kill a bunch of people for a record contract, yo.  You'd think she was one of those rappers from the 90's.

(Now you see what going to work everyday does to my mind. I just spent 15 minutes dissecting a 31 year-old country-western song. Kill me now.)

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