Monday, November 03, 2008

Fall Back into Television (Week 6)

Hmm, I thought finally taking Tuesday and Wednesday off my viewing schedules would open things up, but I ended up watching just as much stuff as usual. Ah well.
  • South Park - Was anybody else underwhelmed? I guess I know what they were going for, but I was hoping for more. Particularly more humor. Oh well, you can't win them all. And sometime there are guinea pigs dressed up in costumes. Sure.
  • Ugly Betty - That was pretty good. A funny, well constructed plot, a goodly amount of Marc/Amanda, Justin wearing an Uncle Sam outfit, and what is hopefully an end to the Lohan. When this show is firing on all cylinders, it really can be great. Hopefully we're hitting a stride here.
  • Grey's Anatomy - So I haven't watched this show in, what, 2 seasons? Ever since that whole Izzy/George thing ruined everything in the entire world. But then I watched this week. And it was surprisingly good. I mean, apparently George and his crazy wife are now divorced, she's become a lesbian, Meredith/Derek and Izzy/Alex are both couples now, while Christina and Bailey continue to run around kicking medical ass. That's like everything I wanted to happen back when I was still watching this show (minus the lesbian bit). I feel like someone polled my brain on how to get me to watch again, and then carefully recreated the entire thing. Dastardly conniving, is what this is. My TV plate is full, thanks so much.
  • Survivor - Man, who would have thought that Dan would have been that annoying? I mean, hot people aren't usually that bad, right? I dunno. But I'm glad he's gone. Meanwhile, I still hate pretty much everyone on Fang, without exception. I cannot wait for whatever it is that is coming - traditionally the merger, but oh the previews promise to shake thing up. Doubtful, but still, I'm mildly digging this season.
  • The Office - Wow, that was an uncomfortable 30 minutes. So sad to see Holly go, I wish wish wish they could have kept Amy Ryan around, she really livened up the cast a whole lot. But oh well. The whole episode was mostly just blah, although Dwight/Andy saved it from being a complete loss. Save me from the Jim/Pam stuff, though. That was painful.
  • It's Always Sunny - Aww, look at Danny DeVito, reliving One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. But man, that plotline stunk on ice. I usually enjoy Charlie/Mac, Dennis/Dee episodes (see: the welfare one, which is maybe my favorite one ever) but this one was too disjointed. Everyone everywhere, with no solid resolution. That said, the spin class bit was crazy hilarious, and I really enjoyed the mailroom mess. Overall, I give it about a B. Also, I don't know if it was just because it was Halloween when I watched it, but Charlie's invisible friend scared the bejesus out of me, when he was just suddenly there. I think maybe I'm losing it.
  • Simpsons - Don't hate me, but I actually found most of that pretty funny. Maybe it's just because I watched It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown earlier this week. But yeah, pretty good.
  • Family Guy - Oh, that's why I stopped watching this show. Because it's horrible. Good to know.
  • American Dad - Oh, that's why I never liked this show in the first place. (But God help me, I laughed a couple of times. I don't know why, but that cat cracked me up.)
  • Amazing Race - I don't think a non-elimination episode has ever been more completely telegraphed since that one where the models wouldn't shave their heads, like 2 or 3 years ago. But I still liked the pacing, and India is always great for a wild location choice. And the continuing strong placement of my teams. Leave it to the Frat Boys to lose their lead due to an inability to iron things, though. Also I am completely over the Divorcees and their continuing to survive and do well despite having no clue what they're doing. Ah well. Super excited for next week, as I was really hoping for more nervous breakdowns, and they seem to be promised in the previews.

  • Things I missed - Actually not much at all. HIMYM was a rerun, and now that I've abandoned Tues/Weds programming, I'm getting things done AND not missing any vital TV. This is just nuts.

Best Episode of the Week:
Ugly Betty - Ugly Berry

Best Line of the Week:
It's Always Sunny - "If you've just had a heart attack, maybe you should be [in spin class]"/"Well maybe you shouldn't dress up like a bumblebee in public."

Best Moment of the Week:
Amazing Race - Dallas's attempt at flirtation and his realization that maybe his mom is not the best choice for a wingman.

Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Unexpected Anything:
Grey's Anatomy - Watchable and enjoyable? What year is this?

Most Disappointing:
South Park - Decided lack of funny.

Most Anticipated:
Near tie between Amazing Race and Survivor. This is finally the time when the reality shows start getting interesting.

1 comment:

erin said...

like happy birthday