Sweet monkey damn, I am so fed up with people.
So I finally found a Wii last Tuesday morning, after months of searching - scouring web pages, haunting Target, and generally making an ass out of myself at Gamestop. I really wanted one, for no good reason, except that I really want to be able to play the new Smash Bros. game that comes out next month. It's not exactly a huge deal, and it seems like a whole lot of money just to play one game, but somehow it turned into this epic quest for me, finding this damn game system.
Whatever, it may be weird and dorky, but it gave me something else to devote my time to now that I'm back off the World of Warcraft.
And they aren't kidding when they say that they're hard to find. It's just insane. I was finally ready to give up when I determined that I would have to start getting up 45 minutes early each morning to go on speculative shopping expeditions. That would usually fail.
But then I lucked out and tracked this one down last week on the internets, although it has to come in from Marble Falls.
Which means it's gotta be mailed to me.
Which is fine.
Oh, it won't get shipped until Friday?
Well, I guess that's fine, I've already paid, but guess I can miss one more weekend without it.
It'll arrive on Monday and Frnak will be home to sign for it.
It doesn't come on Monday.
Oh well, it was probably just a President's Day thing, it's coming USPS so I can just pick it up from the post office when it arrives tomorrow.
Oh, it didn't get mailed out until Monday?
That's lame.
But to make up for it, now it's on overnight delivery UPS?
Because now it'll HAVE to be signed for, and Frnak's at work all week and so am I. Meaning that I'll have to wait until they've done their three attempts (Tues, Wed, & Thurs), and then go pick the damn thing up out at the package center, which is somewhere out in the middle of nowhere by the airport, and it's only open during normal business hours. So I'll get the system something like two weeks after I paid for it, after I drive all over Dallas, the whole reason that I went with the online route in the first place. Sweet.
Why do people have to suck so much? I just want to play a Mario game by swinging my hands around like a fool battling an insect, possible smacking Frnak in the head "accidentally" in the process. Is that too much to ask?
Grr and Arg.
(This post is brought to you by Jason's utter lack of shame that he still plays and whines about video games like a 12 year old.)
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